Valentines Direct By:Kingsbury AntiquesWe are your one stop shop for that special valentine gift for someone you love or someone you want too impress. Specializing in selling, appraisals, restoration and proper storage of antique valentines. |
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All web page content & photographs are property of Katherine & David Kreider & Kingsbury Antiques and subject to copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved.
Kingsbury Antiques located in: Stoudt's Black Angus Antiques Mall Rt. 272 Adamstown, PA Booth #315 Open Every Sunday of the year 7:30am till 4pm
Kingsbury Antiques has one of the largest offerings of antique valentines for sale in the United States, along with a selection of archival supplies for the restoration and storage of antique paper; books, postcards, family bibles, textiles, ephemera, holiday items etc. ANTIQUE VALENTINES FOR SALE THROUGH MAIL ORDER: If you are interested in any antique valentines please send e-mail with the following information: category, style, time frame, and price range of cards you might be interested in. Katherine Kreider owns and operates Kingsbury Antiques since 1992. Kreider is a recognized authority and visionary in the preservation of the valentine. She is the curator of the "Kreider collection". She has been an avid collector of antique valentines for the past 30 years. She is the author of Valentines with Values, One Hundred Years of Valentines, and Valentines For The Eclectic Collector. (for more info on books, see "valentine books for sale) APPRAISALS AVAILABLE: fee schedule provided upon request. You may contact: Kingsbury Antiques or Katherine Kreider through e-mail or address below. Kingsbury Antiques PO Box 7957 Lancaster, PA 17604-7957 (717)892-3001 Katherine Kreider PO Box 7957 Lancaster, PA 17604-7957 (717)892-3001